Divisional Executive Details

Lekunze Clinton Tayi

Name: Lekunze Clinton Tayi

Region of Origin: SUD-OUEST

Division of Origin: LEBIALEM

Subdivision of Origin: WABANE

Region Bureau: SUD-OUEST

Division Bureau: LEBIALEM

Position: President

Sex: male

Field of Interest:

Finance and Law (Advocacy) 

About Yourself:

Lekunze Clinton is a youth activist, a business man, a philanthropist, A Finance Inspector working in the Ministry of Finance Yaoundé and a Law Lecturer  in ENSET KUMBA who has been a Youth Member of National Assembly in 2023 and Youth senator in 2024.

Lekunze Clinton is à graduate of the National School of Administration and Magistracy ENAM YAOUNDÉ, A double Ph.D fellow in Law University of Dschang and PhD in Legal Studies Atlantic International University USA, A double Masters Degree in International Law, Masters Degree  in International Trade and Investment Law in  Africa