Regional Executive Details

Elvis Yuh

Name: Elvis Yuh

Region of Origin: NORD-OUEST

Division of Origin: BOYO

Subdivision of Origin: BELO

Region Bureau: NORD-OUEST

Position: Secretary General

Sex: male

Field of Interest:


About Yourself:


ELvis Yuh is a young dynamic sociapreneur Cameroonian of age 32. He hails from Anyajua, a second class chiefdom in Kom. Elvis is a holder of B.Tech in Marketing from the University of Dschang. He started his career in the teaching field some 7 years ago in Anyajua where he co-founded the Anyajua Youths Empowerment Association as he had noticed the relegation of youths in the back stage of community participation. Through his actions, he has impacted the lives of hundreds of youths directly before being coopted by the Centre for human rights and Peace advocacy where he served as the regional coordinator of paralegal under a UNWomen and UNDP funded project and by the Ngvin Kijem Education Forum where he is the project manager and Education focal persons under the Education Cluster of UNICEF . Elvis is a mentee of the Us Embassy E-Mentoring alumni, GAICAM alumni and the Young Entrepreneur Symposium cohort alumni. Professionally, Elvis Yuh is a pedagogic delegate for the Mondoux Publishing House, CEO of Era Marketing, Entertainment and Consultancy Agency specialized in event planning , MCing, project writing and mentoring. Elvis Yuh is an award winner of the 2021 Youth Excellence Prize on community mobilization and participation.

He Currently serve as the programme coordinator of ANYEA FOUNDATION