Held between December 17 to December 22, 2023.
150 Esatblishments. 100 Associations
1829 athletes, 20,000 Visitors. 1000 exhibitors
339 events across 41 different sports.
Athletics, Basketball, Soccer, Handball, Judo
Struggles, Paralympic Sports, Volleyball

A word from the Minister

minjec boss
H.E. Mounouna Foutsou

Until now, young people from youth movements and associations, public and private vocational training centers, the informal sector, street children, returning young migrants, mototaxi drivers, etc., have not had a formal and well-structured framework for expressing their sports and cultural talents, which are often visible through the proliferation of sports tournaments and socio-cultural activities organized in stadiums and other makeshift spaces in our neighborhoods and villages, [...]

The 1,820 athletes expected from the ten (10) regions, aged between 18 and 35 years, will compete in the following sports, socio-educational, and cultural disciplines: athletics, basketball, volleyball, handball, judo, wrestling, paralympic sports, breakdancing, popular dance, e-sports, fan clubs, board games, juggling, slam poetry, and professional olympiads. These activities will be enhanced by sessions of Moral, Civic, and Entrepreneurial Rearmament (Reamorce), during the flag-raising and lowering ceremonies as well as the civics minutes instituted at the beginning of each activity, with the aim of making sport a moment for strengthening and consolidating civic and patriotic values and the sense of belonging to the same Nation