National Youth Policy (PNJ) Platform

A word from the Minister

minjec boss
H.E. Mounouna Foutsou

Dear Youth of Cameroon, In our continuous efforts to engage and empower the young people of our nation, we have established a platform to facilitate your contributions to the development of the National Youth Policy (PNJ). This initiative reflects our commitment to ensuring that every young voice is heard and valued. Through this platform, we invite you to participate in structured consultations alongside youth associations and socio-professional groups. These discussions will take place weekly with the participation of the MINJEC and the President of the Cameroon National Youth Council. We will host these sessions in-person and online through our consultation portal to ensure maximum accessibility. We aim to include all categories of youth, reaching out through municipal, departmental, and regional consultations, as well as webinars with the diaspora. Every young Cameroonian, including those from vulnerable groups such as informal sector workers and other frequently marginalized communities, will have the opportunity to participate. This consultation agenda will be shared daily through media outlets and covered extensively to ensure inclusive and broad participation. Your insights are crucial as we move towards a cohesive and inclusive National Youth Policy that reflects the aspirations of all young Cameroonians. Let us work together to build a stronger, united, and prosperous future for our nation.

Message from the President

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Fadimatou Iyawa Ousmanou

Dear Brothers and Sisters of Cameroon and the Diaspora, I warmly invite all of us to partake in this important initiative by filling out the survey form we have prepared. This form is designed to capture our experiences, challenges, and aspirations. Our collective input will ensure that our efforts are inclusive and comprehensive, addressing the diverse issues that young people face across our beloved country. Crucially, it will guide us in our consultative and intermediary role, and also help the Government develop inclusive programs that truly reflect our needs, aspirations, and dreams. I urge that we participate massively in this exercise. Let us unite in this endeavor. Thank you for your time, effort, and commitment to this cause. Together, we can build a stronger, more vibrant future for all Cameroonian youth. Warm regards,

Fadimatou Iyawa Ousmanou

National President, Cameroon National Youth Council (CNYC)

Program of Activities

Date Time Location About Mode
Aug. 23, 2024 8 a.m. Bafoussam, Chef-lieu de la Région de l'Ouest, Cameroun

The Minister of Youth Affairs and Civic Education, Mounouna Foutsou, is launching the regional youth consultations in Bafoussam. This is part of the National Youth Policy revision process initiated by the Government of Cameroon, following the national consultations launched on August 12 in Yaoundé.

<<Le Ministre de la Jeunesse et de l'Éducation Civique, Mounouna Foutsou, lance les consultations régionales des jeunes à Bafoussam. Cela s'inscrit dans le cadre du processus de révision de la Politique Nationale de la Jeunesse initié par le Gouvernement du Cameroun, après les consultations nationales lancées le 12 août dernier à Yaoundé.>>

Online & Onsite

Section 1 : Les jeunes dans l'économie mondiale (Youth in the Global Economy)

Section 2 : Les jeunes dans la société civile (Youth in Civil Society)

Section 3 : Jeunesse face aux risques/défis (Youth Facing Risks/Challenges)