
The National Youth Policy (PNJ) of Cameroon was conceived as a strategic framework to harness the potential of the country's youth in contributing to national development. With over 60% of Cameroon’s population under the age of 25, youth represent a significant demographic that is critical to the country's socio-economic progress. The genesis of the PNJ can be traced back to the recognition of the challenges and opportunities associated with this youthful demographic.

Causes and Motivations

Objectives of the PNJ

Implementation and Strategy

Effects and Impact

Challenges and Opportunities

The implementation of the PNJ faces several challenges, including limited resources, coordination among stakeholders, and reaching marginalized youth. However, it also presents opportunities to harness the potential of the youth demographic as a driver of innovation and change.


The National Youth Policy of Cameroon represents a comprehensive approach to addressing the multifaceted needs of the country's youth. By focusing on empowerment, education, health, social inclusion, and civic engagement, the PNJ aims to build a strong foundation for the future development of Cameroon, with youth at the forefront of this transformation.